Saturday 29 September 2012

Gardens by the Bay Run cum Mooncake Festival

Earlier in the day, Xuan did her second solo performance for completing her Primary 2 book at Yamaha :)
Nicest group photo taken at Yamaha yet :)
After that, we went to Gardens by the Bay for some picnic and short run with Exxon Mobil...
Xuan's first number tag!

Taking the shuttle bus from Kallang stadium

Painting by the numbers~ Quite fun and occupied them for quite a while

Little boy doing good~

Picnic-ing with 爷爷奶奶while Papa goes for his run...

Almost time for our run!

Iron Man!

A sweaty Papa ready to go for second round with his little girl

After the run, night falls and we started lighting up our lanterns...

And took super funny shots as a family! :)

Thank you, Papa, for the perfectly wonderful family outing :)

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