Saturday 29 September 2012

Gardens by the Bay Run cum Mooncake Festival

Earlier in the day, Xuan did her second solo performance for completing her Primary 2 book at Yamaha :)
Nicest group photo taken at Yamaha yet :)
After that, we went to Gardens by the Bay for some picnic and short run with Exxon Mobil...
Xuan's first number tag!

Taking the shuttle bus from Kallang stadium

Painting by the numbers~ Quite fun and occupied them for quite a while

Little boy doing good~

Picnic-ing with 爷爷奶奶while Papa goes for his run...

Almost time for our run!

Iron Man!

A sweaty Papa ready to go for second round with his little girl

After the run, night falls and we started lighting up our lanterns...

And took super funny shots as a family! :)

Thank you, Papa, for the perfectly wonderful family outing :)

Playing chess

Little boy got this from his school's Christmas gift exchange last year but we only started exploring it now. He loves the game..

And I teach him an easy version of "dum"..

Having fun as always :)

Thursday 27 September 2012

Clay butterfly

Mama So made a paste and made the butterfly model...and they painted it

Final creation :)
But the clay model is so powdery...Nightmare cleaning up :p

Cheeky souls on the MRT

They have their own Cepas card :)

Saturday 22 September 2012

Mummy bought this lantern making set for them to make their own lanterns...

Hard at work...

Taking their lanterns to Chinese Garden


Mummy's fav 麦芽糖

Watching others play intently while Mummy didn't allow them to play :p

Admiring the sculptures

Saturday 15 September 2012

My little flower girl

Enjoying herself at her music class...

Playing monkey~

Focusing on her climb...

Her cheeky side... :)

Sunday 9 September 2012

Friday 7 September 2012

Marina Barrage

Catching bubbles..

Playing bubbles with all the "grown up" zeh zehs (haha)

Zeh zeh feeding didi the "aww daug" SK gor gor cooked

Running on the big grass patch!

Little girl tried to draw but it was just too windy

The skies were gloomy and little boy got scared cos that's where the aliens will appear

 ..then because mummy went away to play bubbles..
He got really upset cos he was worried the aliens will get me

Which is really really sweet of him...

Thank you for the lovely day :)