Sunday 29 July 2012

Lianhe Zaobao ^^

We did an interview to give our views for maternity/paternity benefits :)

Sunday 22 July 2012

Happy birthday 外婆~

Mr Grouchy didn't get to eat the cake right away...

Everyone wants to blow the candles~

Earlier in the day, Xuan reads to Zhikai...

The warmth that we feel every Sunday :)

Friday 20 July 2012

Racial Harmony Day

My gorgeous Korean princess... *melts*

Holding hands with the little prince who will be there for her forever...

...always so heartwarming to see them holding hands :)

Sunday 8 July 2012

AMK Park playground

 Every now and then, we go to the Mac at AMK park for breakfast before going over to 外婆's house...

...and have great fun at the playground!



Monday 2 July 2012

Singapore Flyer

We are going to the Flyer!

Queueing for our turn~

In the cabin!
Didi got to know a cute Korean zeh zeh! -_-;

Incredible view...

Enjoying the view with his new girl friend... -_-;

It was a great experience... :)