Saturday 8 December 2012

Treetop walk @ Alexandra

It was a beautiful morning minus the scorching sun..Papa So went through he etiquette of being in the park with the little ones before setting off. We saw a huge bee collecting nectar and other trees whose names are too complicated to pronounce :p The little ones complained non-stop abt how tired they we went home after a short walk. But it was still a good sat morning exercise! :)

Tuesday 4 December 2012

4 YO developmental check up

Had his first prata in his life before going for the check up with Caden..
Both kids were having fun with the toys while waiting..but the MMR shot was painful enough to reduce both to tears! :(

Sunday 28 October 2012

Saturday 27 October 2012

MMI EOY Concert

Getting ready to set off

My babies~

Posing in front of NTUC auditorium

Didi's performance ^^

He's so man!

Xuan's performance


Didi still in the mood to perform
 Daddy's little girl

Afterwards, we had lunch at Bukit Timah food centre, where they enthusiatically made donation to a basker

So proud :):)

Friday 26 October 2012

Bubble unite~

We brought a bottle of bubbles solution and it brought all the kids at the playground together :)

It's really quite amazing :)

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Happy 4th birthday little boy ^^

Seeing his Superman cake for the first time :)

Zeh zeh comes over for the celebration

He's my brother~

Kissy kiss

Concentrating on putting the candles

Someone stealing a taste!

Me and my babies

Watching teacher Chandini cut the cake

Giving out the cake together

Xuan's thought bubble: until liddat...

Me and my babies

Didi feeding me <3

At night, he opens up his present: an Avengers Lego set! Xuan gets one Lego Friends set too :)
Our rule in the house: when one gets a present, the other gets one too :)

Thursday 11 October 2012

Happy birthday Mama So

It's Mama's 30th birthday!

What better time to get my very own princess cake?

Cutting my cake with my little ones... :):)